About us

At Mr Quality, we just simply love designer brands,We have been creating and designing for more than 10 years and have an extensive list of international clients. If you'd like to join our international client list simply browse our website and find a luxury Brand that you wish to purchase, it will be with you in a matter of days

We realize that for many the thought of owning an authentic luxury designer brand such Louis Vuitton or Hermes is just a dream, with prices tags reaching thousands if not ten's of thousands for some of the limited editions. It is a strong likelihood that no matter how hard we save actually purchasing a Louis Vuitton Capucine or a Hermes Crocodile Birkin is just a far off dream.

We also know that there are many fake brands available, we've all seen the cheap knock offs available at street markets throughout the world, but really they don't even look like a luxury brand. Often made with cheap material and dull metal hard ware.

The internet is also full of fake designer bags too and we know it's a nightmare trying to decide if what you are seeing on the screen is actually what you are going to end up with after departing with your hard earned cash. For many the reality is “No” but here we pride  authentic designer handbags to a mirror image quality. The bags we create are meticulously crafted by our skilled artisans, with every detail replicated to the original bags which we do indeed purchase from authentic designer boutiques.

We pay thousands for an original bag, only to strip it back to see how each component is put together, it is this dedication and eye for detail that sets replica bags at Bag Heaven apart from the rest.

In fact we pride ourselves so much on attention to detail that the bag you purchase from us will be shipped to you as if it was purchased from a designer store, that can include a certificate of authenticity, keys and padlocks, even a rain cover and dust cover and much more.